The 'forces of darkness' still active

  • Jan 22, 2024

Today the Spit Master Plan process, undertaken by the Palaszczuk State Government from 2017-2019, is still regarded as one of the most detailed and world's best practice "community consultations" in Queensland's history.

Guided by multi-disciplinary consultant teams, Deicke Richards Architects and John Gaskell Planning, the Enquiry by Design (EBD) process and community-led outcomes resulted in the Queensland Parliament's approval and acceptance of the Final Spit Master Plan 2019 and the Implementation of the Spit Master Plan Act 2020.

However, "forces of darkness" continue to be active in our community and at various levels of government as revealed by their recent attempts to ignore and even sabotage the Final Spit Master Plan 2019 (SMP).

Friends of Federation Walk's Site Office in Philip Park to be removed:

The City of Gold Coast (CoGC) has ordered the removal of the site office that Friends of Federation Walk (FOFW) have been using as their HQ and base of operations for the past twenty years at the northern end of Philip Park.

The site office was originally donated and approved by Council when volunteer community group, FOFW, commenced the implementation of their management plan in 2001 for tree planting and landscaping projects in a coastal conservation reserve on State crownland on the eastern (ocean) side of The Spit.

This Federation Walk Coastal Reserve (FWCR) project was originally supported by all three levels of government– local, state and federal. According to the original CoGC written agreement with FOFW, the site office was "to remain onsite until the [FWCR] project was completed".

With the $1 million investment in the current FWCR littoral rainforest project moving to the next stage of its establishment during 2024, clearly the "project" is not yet completed.

Therefore, it is unclear why the long-serving community volunteers at FOFW are being asked to give up their basecamp which is used for planning their planting, rainforest and irrigation projects; holding FOFW meetings; as a gathering place for volunteer planters to be issued their gardening tools; as a hydration and first aid station; and for hosting school groups and visitor tours of the conservation reserve.

Representatives of FOFW have relayed to SOSA that council officers have told them there is a new Council toilet block being built on the site and that their shed is partly situated where the block will be built, hence the need for removal of the site office.

However, according to budget estimates in Council, the toilet block project is not set to commence until Financial Year 2025/2026. Similarly, no replacement HQ has been offered by council to FOFW, either attached to the new toilet block or as a separate site office in the area.

Just south of the FOFW site office, Council permitted a developer to place several construction site-sheds, a loading bay for supply trucks and a building materials stacking area to be located on Hollindale Park on The Spit for past 2 years until they no longer required use of the park for their  private high-rise apartment construction across the road.

Ironically, the current FOFW site office is located on the same piece of public land on Philip Park that the Department of State Development (DSDILGP) tried to unlawfully push through an AJ Hackett International "Skypark" bungy jump development in 2023.

This proposal, driven by the DSDILGP, City of Gold Coast and a development lobbyist was eventually blocked by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mining (DNRM) because Philip Park is zoned as a "reserve for park and recreation" purposes under the State Land Act 1994.

DSDILGP had just "encouraged" AJ Hackett to submit a development application to the CoGC when the Minister for DNRM directed DSDILGP to inform the CoGC and AJ Hackett that "Philip Park is not available as a tourist development site".

In other words, the DSDILGP and CoGC's attempt to push through and approve a commercial development on Philip Park was unlawful under the Land Act 1994.

The Land Act has not changed but it has been revealed that DSDILGP is now in secret negotiations about locating another commercial development on Philip Park, a "Cultural Centre".

This DSDILGP-led proposal should also be blocked for the same reason; that is, it would be unlawful under the Land Act1994 (more on this later).


Questions regarding the removal of the FOFW site office can be sent to Darren Taylor, the Division 10 Councillor responsible for The Spit:

1. Why is the City of Gold Coast removing the FOFW site office and in doing so, ignoring a written agreement that the site office would remain until the Federation Walk project is finished, which it is not?

2. Why is the City of Gold Coast removing the site office now, when the "new toilet block" is not budgeted to commence construction until 2025, and while the FOFW littoral rainforest project is still ongoing?

3. If it is necessary to remove the site office immediately, why hasn't the City of Gold Coast offered a new or replacement building and site for FOFW until the Federation Walk project is completed?

Cr Taylor's email is

Or you can get him on his CoGC Facebook page

Cr Taylor is not the enemy here, so please be polite and courteous when you contact him and we're sure he will provide us with the answers the community needs.

Spit Path

Fishermens Co-Op potentially forced off their Carters Basin site after 50 years on the Spit:

News broke in the first week of January 2024 regarding the Fishermens Co-Op (trawlers) potentially being forced from their berths at Carters Basin on the Spit, to cater for a small group of marine-based tourism operators (5 businesses in total). This appears to be part of their lease of a large "key development site" to the north of Carters Basin by the Dpt. of State Development (DSDILGP).

The Fishermens Co-Op has been berthing on their current site since 1970. As part of the Final Spit Master Plan 2019 (SMP), this area of Village Centre North is set for enhancement, including a "San Francisco" style wharf precinct that includes low-level retail and elements of marine tourism:

5.22 The facilities associated with the fishing fleet are reorganised and renewed, enabling the daily catch to be sold direct to the public in a convenient and ordered manner. Access along the waterfront past the moored fleet is widened and improved to enable the safe passage of pedestrians and cyclists through this area of occasionally busy maritime activity.

Logistics areas to support the ongoing operation of the fishing fleet are centrally located and designed so that impacts on pedestrian movement, views to The Broadwater and the amenity of nearby accommodation are minimised...
(Final Spit Master Plan 2019 p.68)

Nowhere in the Spit Master Plan does it state that the Trawler Fleet or Fisherman's Co-op will be removed, replaced, or have their operational base severely reduced by a handful of marine-based tourism operators or fine dining restaurants, yet this appears to be on the DSDILGP agenda (more on this later) despite the Master Plan stipulating the importance of the 'fishing fleet' and "support [for] the ongoing operation of the fishing fleet".(SMP, p.68).

SOSA has been informed that a recently assembled "Main Beach Marine Tourism Association" (MBMTA) consists of just 5 individual businesses out the 32 operators who have lost their berths at Mariners Cove, due to the upcoming redevelopment by the Giannarelli Group.

MBMTA is represented by lobbyist Graham Staerk, the same lobbyist who met with DSDILGP and CoGC officials over an 18 month period in what has since been revealed to be an unlawful push to build the AJ Hackett bungy jump in Philip Park.

SOSA fought heavily for the state government to include the Fishing Co-Op in the Spit Master Plan during the SMP process from 2017-2018. While a small group of marine-based tourism operators (jet boat, party houseboat etc) from Mariner's Cove are keen to find somewhere on The Spit to operate from, this should not be at the expense of the Trawler Fleet and Fishermens Co-Op at Carters Basin.


Use this link to sign the E-Petition to State Parliament on behalf of the Gold Coast Fisherman's Co-op. The petition closes on 3 March 2024.

Also, if you want to help protect a long-standing local institution and continue to have access to some of the best fresh seafood in the world, then feel free to email the following questions to the state government (politely of course):

1. Why is the DSDILGP considering moving the Trawler Fleet and Fishermens Co-Op from their current site of 50 years and in doing so, ignoring the Spit Master Plan?

2. Why is the DSDILGP also ignoring the Spit Master Plan by considering amalgamation of Carters Basin with the Village Centre North's hotel, accommodation and hospitality "key development sites" including a small group of marine tourism operators, and in doing so causing a substantial reduction in the size of the current Trawler Fleet and Fishermens Co-Op site?

3. Why is the DSDILGP prioritising the demands of five small marine-based tourism operators and their lobbyist, over the needs of the long-term local fishing industry and the direct-to-public fresh seafood service they currently provide ?

These are the people who may be able to answer those questions:

Mr Steven Miles, The Premier:

Grace Grace, Minister for State Development and Infrastructure& Spit Minister:

Maggi van Rensburg, Director, Transactions and Advisory Strategic Services and Insights - Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning:

Remember, the Premier; Minister Grace; and DSDILGP staff, who are in positions to answer your questions, are not the enemy. Please be polite and courteous and we're certain they will then provide us with the answers the community is seeking.

Attempt to relocate an Indigenous Cultural Centre from designated Village Centre North to Philip Park:

Similarly, a large area of the State crownland north of Carters Basin that DSDILGP is looking to release to the highest bidder/tenderer, is identified in the Spit Master Plan as being the site for an Indigenous Cultural Centre.

SOSA has been informed that the same State officials at DSDILGP who were involved in the unlawful and failed attempt to allow an AJ Hackett bungy jump 'Skypark' on Philip Park and now the "Carters Basin" Fishing Trawlers debacle, are currently speaking to local indigenous representatives about building a 'Cultural Centre' on Philip Park, instead of the designated and legislated SMP "key development site" at Village Centre North on the western side of The Spit.

AJ Hacket hatchet Job

Village Centre North was the site officially chosen at the conclusion of the rigorous and detailed community-led Spit Master Plan process 2017-2018, a process that included local indigenous representatives:

5.17 A cultural centre is located in a complex adjacent to The Broadwater and is a place that signifies and celebrates Aboriginal heritage and the association of the Aboriginal people with The Broadwater and surrounds. The centre enables visitors to learn about and experience the association of the Aboriginal people with The Spit and its broader setting.

5.18 An open space adjacent to the cultural centre enables the staging of events such as traditional ceremonies and dance performances.
(Final Spit Master Plan 2019 p.68)

Recent correspondence to SOSA from the DSDILGP Minister/Spit Minister, through their delegated official, the Deputy Director General (DDG), stated that the location of the 'Cultural Centre' will be determined by DSDILGP's current consultations with "Traditional Owners".

Once again, this ignores the unlawfulness of this process under the Qld Land Act 1994 and Implementation of the Spit Master Plan Act 2020 (see details below) and ignores the Final Spit Master Plan 2019 determinations that included the outcomes of detailed 'consultations' with all key stakeholders including "Traditional Owners" during 2017-2018.

In relation to the prospect of the unlawful re-siting of the 'Cultural Centre" to Philip Park, the DDG then has the gall to suggest,

"Wider community consultation may be required in concept development stages."

(DSDILGP correspondence to SOSA, 14 December 2023)

DSDILGP's official position is that the community may (or may not) be consulted on how a 'cultural centre' design might look but not on its final location, which would be unlawful under two different Legislative Acts if DSDILGP decide the location is to be Philip Park.

Furthermore, a "wider community consultation" has already taken place, a cultural centre site chosen with the outcome enshrined in the Final Spit Master Plan 2019 and the Implementation of the SMP Act 2020, during the SMP process.

And that site is not Philip Park.

The extent of the Spit Master Plan 'community consultation' was articulated clearly by Annastacia Palaszczuk in her Premier's Foreword to the Final Spit Master Plan 2019 (p.4):

  • More than 23,000 pieces of public feedback have brought us to this point [Final Spit Master Plan 2019]
  • 14,800 website visits
  • 3105 information session attendees
  • 1857 online surveys completed
  • 23,128 survey comments
  • And 1540 draft master plan downloads

During the past two years the language used by senior public servants at the DSDILGP has not only ignored the determinations and outcomes of the Spit Master Plan process as documented above, they have also attempted to progress unlawful proposals on public areas of The Spit. These areas are not designated "key development sites" or "tourism development sites" under the Spit Master Plan or the two relevant State Acts and Legislation.

DSDILGP's "community consultations" tokenistic or non-existent:

DSDILGP community consultations regarding The Spit works projects have become either tokenistic or non-existent. The current language emanating from DSDILGP has been contorted and diverted into phrases such as "return on investment" (ROI), "development potential", and "expressions of interest" (EOI).

The word "community" has all but disappeared, or at best, has been sidelined by senior DSDILGP staff in their dealings over the past 2 years.

History repeats itself:

SOSA has been compelled to conduct further investigations into the DSDILGP and have found that their senior management currently includes employees who were part of the Campbell Newman Government (2012-2015) when the Dpt. of State Development was led by former Nationals leader and Deputy Premier, Mr Jeff Seeney.

Seeney, as many will recall, was the State Development Minister, who along with Gold Coast Mayor - Tom Tate, drew a large circle around a map of the Spit, Wavebreak Island, and the Broadwater and offered up the entire area of public land and waterways as a mega-high-rise, foreign casino-resort-city for the sum of "$1", in return for the tender-winning developer building a "working cruise ship terminal" in the Broadwater.

Seeney and Tate yellow blobs

The Chinese Government-backed ASF China Casino consortium was ultimately chosen by Newman/Seeney as the possible "preferred" proponent.

Fortunately, the Palaszczuk Government cancelled that proposal when,against all odds, they won the Qld election in 2015. In defeat, the new Qld LNP leader claimed they were "only one week away from approving the ASF China proposal".

Public servants or real estate agents?

It is unclear why a significant shift away from the community focus and the basic tenets of the Spit Master Plan has occurred. In the same way that it is extremely unclear whether or not these high-level DSDILGP officials are operating as "real-estate agents" and "development consultants" as a 'value add' to their supposed roles as "public servants".

It appears that instead of remaining consistent with the Spit Master Plan, senior DSDILGP officials are chasing "ROIs" that would be a much greater government return for tenders proposing hotels, luxury residences and tourist accommodation on the SMP designated Indigenous Cultural Centre site. But to save face, DSDILGP are attempting to (unlawfully) move the Cultural Centre to Philip Park.

Similarly, given both the 'bungy jump park' and the '5 marine-based tourism' operators and their lobbyist are looking for alternative sites on The Spit, these high-level public servants (real estate agents?) within DSDILGP are deliberately ignoring the community's wishes and the outcomes prescribed in the Final Spit Master Plan 2019.

This is especially evident in DSDILGP's attempts to unlawfully (see below) offer Philip Park as an alternative site for commercial developments such as bungy jumps and cultural centres, while at the same time, potentially pushing both Friends of Federation Walk and the Fishermens Co-Op out of their current operating bases.

The current State Legislation that DSDILGP officials have ignored and continue to ignore, includes:

Under the Land Act 1994, Philip Park remains zoned as a "reserve for park and recreation purposes". And as stated by the Minister for DNRM when they intervened in August 2023 to halt the DSDILGP push for a bungy theme park,

"Philip Park is not available as a tourism development site".

Furthermore, under the Implementation of the SMP Act 2020, Philip Park is not zoned as a "key development site" on The Spit and never has been.

The Minister's Guidelines and Rules (MGR) under the Planning Act 2016, required the CoGC to amend their City Plan 2016 by restricting Expressions of Interest (EOI) and tenders for commercial and private developments on State crownland on The Spit to those areas identified as "key developments sites". (see map below)

This precludes the CoGC as 'Trustee' for areas of The Spit, including Philip Park and FWCR, from accepting or processing any development proposals or development applications for the above-named, or any other public parks or conservation reserves on The Spit.

The DSDILGP and CoGC are not only ignoring the lawful application of the Implementation of the SMP Act 2020 again, but they are also ignoring the directions of the Ministerial MGR by entering discussions with Indigenous representatives about the re-location of a 'cultural centre' to Philip Park. The red borders indicate the legislated "key development sites" on the following map.

Consultation Report For SMP Implementation

So was it wilful ignorance or professional incompetence that saw the highest levels of DSDILGP management and senior staff (in collaboration with City of Gold Coast officials) "encourage" the bungy jump entrepreneurs to apply for a "development approval" for Philip Park, even though it was and still is unlawful under existing State legislation?

And therefore, is it now maladministration that sees DSDILGP holding secret discussions to move the 'cultural centre' from its "key development site" onto Philip Park?

Senior management in the Department of State Development appear determined to sabotage the Spit Master Plan:

It is a matter of the 'rule of law' that Philip Park cannot be developed for a Bungy Jump "Skypark" or a Cultural Centre or any other commercial or private development proposal.

So why do these "public servants-real estate agents-development industry consultants" continue to flout the law, sabotage the intent and integrity of the Spit Master Plan and ignore the community's demands for them to be consistent and lawful in their implementation of theFinal Spit Master Plan 2019?

Is their behaviour a hangover from the days when Seeney pulled the strings and the whole place was up for sale; are they on a sales commission or performance bonuses or financial incentives based on how much of The Spit they can "sell" to commercial interests whether it be lawful or not?

Or have they descended into maladministration at a level not seen in a State Government department since the days of Joh and Russ?


The following questions can be sent to the Premier; DSDILGP and Spit Minister Grace Grace; and senior DSDILGP Director, Ms Van Rensburg.

1. Why is DSDILGP ignoring the current laws under the Qld Land Act 1994 and the Implementation of the Spit Master Plan Act 2020 by holding discussions regarding relocating the Indigenous Cultural Centre to Philip Park?

2. Why is DSDILGP holding the Community-led Final Spit Master Plan 2019 and the Minister for DNRM in contempt by attempting to move the proposed Indigenous Cultural Centre onto Philip Park which is a reserve zoned "for park and recreation purposes" under the Land Act 1994?

3. When are the tenders for "key development sites" at Village Centre North being advertised/released and will the details be made available to the general public to confirm the sites being advertised are being done so lawfully for those taking part in an Expressions of Interest (EOI) process?

4. Are any senior DSDILGP staff or managers working on a contractual basis and/or

being paid commissions or financial bonuses for 'successful' sales/leases/awarding of tenders on The Spit, including on reserves under the Land Act 1994 that are zoned for "park and recreation purposes"?

5. And if so, what are the financial terms/agreements involved in facilitating these potentially unlawful 'land transactions'?

Here are the contacts for those State officials who may be able to answer these questions:

Mr Steven Miles, The Premier:

Grace Grace, Minister for State Development and Infrastructure; Spit Minister:

Maggi van Rensburg, Director, Transactions and Advisory Strategic Services and Insights Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning:

Remember the Premier and the new DSDILGP Minister Grace and her DSDILGP staff, who are going to answer your questions, are not the enemy. So please be polite and courteous so we can ensure they provide us with the answers the community needs.


The year 2024 will see at least two elections being held in Queensland, starting with Local Government elections on 16 March, followed later in the year by the State election.

The City of Gold Coast sitting councillors and council officials should be aware that "public servants" masquerading as "real estate agents/development consultants" will be exposed and the decisions they make will reflect on how the "community" will vote in the 2024 local government elections.Their actions and words will also determine what information SOSA will release into the public domain to keep the community informed about their behaviour.

However, any objective observer could only come to the conclusion that "nefarious forces" appear to be operating currently at State level within the DSDILGP.

We seem to have returned to the dark days of the Newman/Seeney era where dollars, lobbyists and secret meetings overrode honesty, transparency, integrity and lawfulness in relation to community-led projects, consultations and outcomes involving State crownland 'land transactions'.

In a State election year, if the newly sworn-in Miles government does not want to trash the excellent legacy of the Spit Master Plan achieved by Ms Annastacia Palaszczuk and the Spit Minister at the time, Mr Cameron Dick MP, then our questions need honest answers!

The Miles government, in particular in relation to the perceived "rogue" actions of certain DSDILGP staff, should be reminded of Deputy Premier Dick's statement in his Minister's Foreword to the Final Spit Master Plan 2019:

"The Spit master plan is the culmination of 18 months' worth of community consultation and carefully considered planning."
(Final SMP 2019, p.5).

This statement from the Deputy Premier is in stark contrast to the careless and at times unlawful DSDILGP planning processes we have witnessed since 2022.

You may wish to incorporate sections of the information we have provided above to support the questions you wish to ask of the State and Council officials we have mentioned in this article.

Why Cruise Ships will never Dock on Gold Coast

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Sep 4, 2008 Terminal Politicians »
Jul 4, 2008 Terminal terminated so Move On »
May 28, 2008 The Good, The Bad & the Ugly »
May 14, 2008 Oceanway Pathway debacle »
May 14, 2008 GCCC Bulldozes Spit Dunes »
Apr 19, 2008 Celebrate a few victories »
Mar 16, 2008 Domestic visitors spend $3 b on Gold Coast »
Mar 11, 2008 Council Election 2008 »
Jan 8, 2008 Christmas Greeting 2007 »
Jan 2, 2008 Letter to John Mickell MP »
Nov 21, 2007 Friends of Federation Walk new website »
Sep 26, 2007 Paul Lucas pushing Marine Simulator »
Aug 6, 2007 Developers on notice re Local Area Plan »
Aug 4, 2007 Protection for the Gold Coast Spit at last! »
Aug 4, 2007 Premier Beattie Saves Our Spit »
Jul 18, 2007 Spit Training Centre Threat »
May 18, 2007 Lessons from Los Angeles »
Apr 25, 2007 Another Storm for the Spit »
Apr 16, 2007 State Government Threatens Spit… Again »
Apr 13, 2007 Gold Medal Winner and the Spit »
Mar 27, 2007 Sean's letter »
Feb 23, 2007 Sea World Ferris Wheel Fiasco »
Jan 29, 2007 Reignited Protests »
Jan 19, 2007 Financial Review Article - Millionnaire Greenies »
Nov 17, 2006 Beach Spirit Award Winners - The Spit »
Nov 14, 2006 Cruise liner dumps oil in Paradise »
Nov 11, 2006 Developer 'Vision' Not 20:20, say Spitfighters »
Nov 9, 2006 Government plans for future Spit vision: Bligh »
Oct 13, 2006 What a difference 48 hours makes »
Sep 10, 2006 Government Speak »
Sep 10, 2006 Boating Industry views »
Aug 28, 2006 Super Yachts OK- in the Right Place »
Aug 11, 2006 The SpitFight Goes To Canberra »
Aug 5, 2006 Gold Coast Bully - Taken to Task »
Jul 14, 2006 Natural tourism drawcard threatened - Alan Midwood »
Jun 25, 2006 Greatest City Dive at Risk »
Jun 22, 2006 Whales Spotted in Proposed Terminal Site »
Jun 13, 2006 Our letters sent to Peter Beattie via Peter Lawlor »
Jun 11, 2006 Peta-Kaye Croft ignores her constituents on SOS »
Jun 1, 2006 Letter to Gold Coast Bulletin - I am not a Green »
May 31, 2006 A letter to Anna Bligh from Gecko »
May 31, 2006 Spitfighters Fight Back - Life Weekly article »
May 27, 2006 Sailing into murky waters »
May 20, 2006 Life Weekly Magazine article »
May 10, 2006 Gold Coast City Marina - Exposed »
May 3, 2006 Athletes fight to Save their training ground »
Apr 22, 2006 Notional Shipping Terminal Confirms Public Losses »
Apr 21, 2006 Save Our Spit- from Strength to Strength »
Apr 21, 2006 Overseas Cruise Ship Campaigners »
Apr 2, 2006 Gaven - Ominous warning to the Beattie Government »
Mar 30, 2006 What the Gaven by-Election Candidates said »
Mar 23, 2006 Gaven by-Election Media Release »
Mar 19, 2006 Peter Beattie meets SOSA at Robina »
Mar 12, 2006 An historical journey »
Mar 5, 2006 Surf cola »
Mar 5, 2006 Storm surf breaks across Seaway »
Feb 21, 2006 Labor 'greed' on tunnel fiasco - sounds familiar »
Feb 19, 2006 Surf Rage »
Feb 17, 2006 Surfrider - media release »
Feb 13, 2006 Gold Coast - too good for a shipping terminal »
Feb 13, 2006 Peter Beattie and co's dancing figures »
Feb 8, 2006 Master Mariner questions sanity of proposal »
Feb 5, 2006 Surfers promise to wipe out Labor »
Feb 5, 2006 Councillor Susie Douglas's inspiring rally speech »
Feb 3, 2006 Letters to the 'Bully' »
Jan 25, 2006 Surfrider says »
Jan 24, 2006 Pro Terminal threaten to attend rally »
Jan 12, 2006 Public Rally Feb 5th 12 noon »
Jan 11, 2006 Anna Bligh confirms it's not a done deal »
Jan 9, 2006 Who Murdered Mundaka - is Straddie next? »
Dec 21, 2005 MP's Ciobo and Langbroek not happy »
Dec 16, 2005 Ms Levy's band of do-gooders »
Nov 28, 2005 A new Picture - future Spit »
Nov 23, 2005 Anna Bligh and misinformation »
Nov 11, 2005 Bulletin gone quiet »
Nov 5, 2005 Surfrider Foundation's support »
Nov 5, 2005 US Forces get the nod »
Nov 1, 2005 The Global War on Tourism »
Oct 25, 2005 Are Cruise Ships getting too big? »
Oct 14, 2005 Meeting Tuesday 18th October SOS »
Oct 13, 2005 Brad Farmers Message - Letter to the editor »
Oct 11, 2005 A very personal attachment to the Spit »
Oct 10, 2005 Map - SOS opposition to Government Plans »
Oct 7, 2005 Increased Cancer Risk From LA Port Complex Fumes »
Oct 6, 2005 From Strength to Strength in our campaign »
Sep 28, 2005 Venice Sinking under cruise ships »
Sep 21, 2005 Thats not reality but this is »
Sep 18, 2005 EIS rubber stamp? »
Sep 5, 2005 Letter to Bulletin »
Aug 29, 2005 Excerpts: »
Aug 28, 2005 Plans for lakes of effluent on Straddie !!! »
Aug 23, 2005 Not Exactly The Love Boat - New Book »
Aug 3, 2005 Premier sinking Gold Coast dive industry »
Aug 2, 2005 Thumbs up for Councillor Susie Douglas »
Aug 1, 2005 World Class Waves at Risk »
Jul 18, 2005 New Stickers Available »
Jul 18, 2005 Save our spit campaign highlights »
Jul 18, 2005 People and Parks Day Sunday 31st July »
Apr 20, 2005 Trinity Lutheran College Cruise Ship Debate »