SAVE OUR SPIT - No Cruise Terminal Gold Coast

A Surfers Perspective

It wasn't all that long ago that South Stradbroke Island was a secret surfing spot. It was kept out of the surf reports for quite some time before the inevitable happened.
The view from the beach is similar to this image ( not actually straddie ) looking back towards Surfers. The highrises are way in the distance and the scenary is spectacular. Early mornings at straddie you may do the paddle across - sometimes the resident Sea Eagle will pluck a fish out of the seaway for his brekky and fly off with the unlucky sea creature doomed to its fate. You are paddling across the seaway and you know there are fish everywhere. Countless times you will see a fisherman pull in a good size fish. When you have negotiated the seaway with the main danger being getting run over by a boat, or in a bigger swell getting slammed against the seawall - you negotiate the seawall. With so many fish surely a shark attack is out of the question. The view down the beach is empty with a long curved beach ( hopefully with no one there yet ). If you are the first to get there you often will see a wallaby on the beach. You may see the odd snake as well from time to time.

Finally there is the surf, it is now enjoyed by many so there are plenty of sharks out here as well. The waves are legendary and according to the Gold Coast Hospital the source of many injuries, from a minor scratch to serious spinal injuries.

There are a couple of plaques on the wall one is for the son of Brian (the vet) who passed away tragically, another is for Chris (two-stroke) who was in his 50's when he passed away before his time.

This is a special place, it is alive with nature - it is mostly public space - no one can claim ownership and its as close to an overseas holiday you can get yet it is only 10 minutes away from the Surfers highrises. How could we possibly consider taking the risk of a cruise terminal. For many on the coast this is the only place to get away from it locally.

99% of straddie surfers are against this - there is the odd one that thinks the waves may get better if it is dredged and the walls are extended (Greg), or that by having a terminal no one will be able to get there except by boat making it less crowded (Derek). If the terminal goes ahead it will not only destroy the view ( cement instead of trees ) but it is highly likely that it has a negative impact on the surf.

Imagine a classic straddie day you race down the spit only to have to pay for a car park and be confronted by a security guard - "I'm sorry son no crossing today!". The reality could be airport style control of the area. Would you like to go to a facility something like Coolangatta airport just to do what you have been doing for years.

"I'm sorry son no crossing today! And you haven't purshased a parking permit."

Cruise Terminal - Just Don't!


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